Privacy Policy

The privacy of our visitors at T&T Roofing is very important to us. We want you to understand the type of information we collect when you visit our site and how we use this information.
We do not collect any personal information from you unless you supply it on our contact page and we have need for it (for example: replies, requests for inspections or estimates, etc.)
We won't share your personal information with anyone else expect when required by some third-party services who provide services such as sending out our newsletter.

Log File Data
In common with other websites, log files are stored on the web server saving details such as your IP address, browser type, referring page and time of visit. This information is not used to track individual visitors to this website but may be used for general statistical purposes, such as monitoring how many visits the website had received.

Cookies & Your Personal Data
Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser that allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. Also, they may be used to track your return visits to the website.